0402 523 730
Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS)
eligible clients:
To be eligible for MASS subsidy funding assistance applicants must have a permanent and stabilised condition. MASS defines a permanent and stabilised condition as one where the diagnosis is known to require the assistance of continence aids for the long term.
eligible conditions:
This condition must be confirmed following assessment, management and reassessment of potentially treatable conditions, including relevant co -morbidities and activities of daily living. This includes medical condition(s) and/or other factors contributing to the applicant’s incontinence.
eligible prescribers:
Continence Specialist Registerd Nurse
Occupational therapist
Registered Nurse
Please click on the pdf items below for official guidelines and application form.
Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)
eligible clients:
Eligibility for CAPS An applicant is eligible for CAPS if the applicant is five years of age or older and meets either one of the following requirements:
A) The applicant has permanent and severe loss of bladder and/or bowel function (incontinence) due directly to an eligible neurological condition
B) The applicant has permanent and severe loss of bladder and/or bowel function (incontinence) caused by an eligible other condition, provided the applicant has a Centrelink or Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) Pensioner Concession Card entitlement (not Gold Card holders).
eligible conditions:
There is a wide range of neurological and other conditions.
please click on the pdf icons and weblink below for a full list of eligible conditions, application guidelines and application form.
eligible prescribers:
CAPS applicants are required to obtain a continence assessment from an appropriate Health Professional. A Health Professional should only complete the Health Report (Section 3) of the CAPS application if they are in a position to make an accurate assessment of the applicant in relation to their incontinence and the cause of their incontinence. The Health Professional’s assessment must be based on evidence that the applicant has been diagnosed with an eligible neurological condition or an eligible other condition. Appropriate Health Professionals, include but are not limited to:
Continence Nurse
General Practitioner
Medical Specialist
Community Nurse
Aboriginal Health Worker
Occupational Therapist
DVA - RAP Scheme
The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) provides a range of continence products to eligible members of the veteran community through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).
eligible clients and conditions:
If the applicant is an entitled veteran or war widow(er), support can be accessed if they:
hold a Gold Card (eligible for treatment of all conditions whether or not they are related to war services)
hold a White Card and the incontinence is a result of a specific accepted disability (to determine eligibility contact the Rehabilitation Appliances Program at DVA)
have been assessed by a health professional as requiring products for incontinence, or
products are provided as part of the overall health care management.
Gold and White Card holders are not eligible if they are residents receiving high level aged care. A form requesting the continence products needs to be filled out by the assessing doctor or health professional. It is then sent to an authorised product supplier on behalf of the client
eligible prescribers and products:
Your Local Medical Officer (GP) or a Continence Advisor can provide you with an assessment and prescription for continence products.
Prescriptions are renewed every 2 years to assess if different products are needed based on any change to your condition.
Ongoing supply of appropriate continence products can be arranged through one of DVA’s contracted suppliers:
Independence Australia - Phone: 1300 788 855
Intouch - Phone: 1800 382 727
BrightSky Australia – Phone: 1300 968 062
Your Continence Supplier will advise you well in advance of the need for a new prescription. DVA recommends that you seek re supply when you have approximately 1 month of continence products remaining.
For further information about the DVA RAP programme and continence supply please call 133 254 (metro) or 1800 555 254 (country)
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
eligible clients:
Participants in the NDIS can access Bay Continence Care services via the NDIS Participant Portal or their Support Co-ordinator.
eligible prescriber:
Bay Continence Care is a registered provider on the NDIS as a Community Nursing Care service and also as
Assist Products for Personal Care and Safety.