0402 523 730
dedicated to providing the best in-home continence care and educaton for carers..
continence care
providing you with continence advice at home and at your workplace.
This is a domiciliary service to you in your own home, or at your workplace if you are a paid carer or nurse. The service area is the Fraser Coast Region. You will have a comprehensive continence nursing assessment including obtaining a full medical/surgical/gynaecological or urology history, analysis of previous strategies and development of new continence management strategies. Liaison with your GP can occur with your consent.
Educational sessions in a variety of continence skill workshops for care staff can be provided in your workplace.
client services
Bay Continence Care provides these services to the client at home:
Comprehensive continence nursing assessment
Continence care plan
Routine indwelling urinary and supra-pubic catheter changes
Applications to government continence subsidy and supply schemes
Carer education
Advice and/or subsidy applications for children with bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and special needs
nurse and care staff services
A growing range of continence educational sessions including:
Catheterisation workshop
Uridome application
Administraton of enema or suppository
Pressure area prevention and treatment
Catheter care and drainage
Supply of catheters and other continence consumables